Contact Us
Advancement office: 217-228-5226
Robert Wyatt
Vice President for University Advancement
Robert serves as the chief fundraising officer for the university and the leader of Quincy’s fundraising, communication, and alumni relations efforts. He works closely with the President on major and principal gifts and manages staff to identify, cultivate, solicit, recognize and steward donors and carries a portfolio of major donor prospects. Serving as a vital member of the President’s Leadership Team, Robert advises the President, leadership team and the Board of Trustees on all issues related to University Advancement. Contact Robert at 217.228.5229 or
Matt Bergman
Senior Director of Advancement
Matt oversees the QU Fund and assists in the cultivation of annual and major gifts from prospective donors. He helps to direct alumni engagement and events, productions, and fundraising efforts designed to financially strengthen the University. In addition, he serves as the university spokesperson and is responsible for leading marketing and public relations efforts. Matt is a 1999 graduate of Quincy University and joined the staff in 2011. He is involved in many community organizations including the Rotary Club of Quincy, the United Way and the Quincy Catholic Elementary Schools Foundation. Contact Matt at 217-228-5221 or by e-mail at
Chris Brennemann
Director of Community Relations
Chris promotes Quincy University to both the internal and external community and ensures that the approved tone and voice of the university is represented within our mission and brand standards across all university departments. She also develops editorial content including press releases, news stories, profiles, features, and interviews. Chris serves as the editor for the bi-annual publication of the QUniverse Alumni Magazine and oversees all visual design elements, social media platforms, calendars, bulletin boards, video boards, and YoDeck content and playlists for the university. Chris joined the advancement staff in 2022. Contact Chris at 217-228-5219 or by e-mail at
Miriam Hermann
Coordinator of Advancement Services
Miriam Coordinates gift processing and database management. She works closely with administration and staff to fulfill the mission and objectives of the Office of University Advancement. She maintains the database and assists in planning fundraising and alumni events. She works closely with administration and staff to fulfill the mission and objectives of the Office of University Advancement. Miriam joined the advancement staff in 2017. Contact Miriam at 217-228-5226 x3455 or by e-mail at
Maureen Kennedy
Coordinator of Alumni Services
Maureen oversees the development, organization and coordination of alumni events including Homecoming, Scholarship Luncheon, Campaign Celebrations and Regional Alumni Events. She also serves as the liaison to the National Alumni Board, Alumni Chapters and external alumni event committees such as the Sports Hall of Fame, Legal Hall of Fame and various golf event committees. Maureen coordinates Alumni affinity programs such as the Alumni Book Club, Alumni Concierge Service, Alumni Mentor Program (AMP), Golden Hawks, the Alumni Volunteer Program. Maureen joined the advancement staff in 2023. Contact her at 217-228-5227 x3450 or by e-mail at
Jim Lawrence
Coordinator of Digital Media Production
Sandy Trudell
Web Manager
Sandy oversees the functionality of the website, evaluates and manages the website performance, and facilitates hosting and server management agreements with external vendors. She also develops, maintains and updates website content. Sandy graduated from QU in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts in Art History. She has been a member of the Advancement office since 2019. If you need any assistance with web changes, contact Sandy by email at
Shane Wingerter
Coordinator of Graphic Design and Mailroom
Shane coordinates, designs, and oversees the creation and production of all visual communications initiatives for Quincy University across multiple mediums and assures overall consistency of University brand standards. He also oversees mailroom, printing and copying for the university. Shane graduated from QU in 2017 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and joined the University in 2019 and the advancement staff in 2024. Contact him at 217-228-5275 x3940 or by e-mail at
Brian Stitt
Coordinator of Development
Brian helps to administer and organize development efforts and materials for the Advancement office. He oversees events and efforts for the QU Fund such as All In for QU; he works with various campus organizations on fund-raising goals and strategies; and he coordinates with the entire advancement team to maximize engagement and returns. Brian joined the advancement staff in 2024. Contact him at (217) 228-5225 or at Contact him at 217-228-5275 x3456 or by e-mail at
Dan Queathem
Major Gifts Officer
Dan plays a key role in advancing the university’s mission by cultivating, soliciting, and stewarding major gifts from alumni, parents, and community leaders. Working closely with university leadership, Dan helps to identify and engage individuals capable of making significant financial contributions to support the university’s strategic goals, including scholarships, funding for academic and athletic programs, faculty support, and campus initiatives. Contact him at 217-228-5275 x3458 or by e-mail at
Contact Us
Send us a message regarding any of your QU Alumni or Advancement questions: